project management templates

News - Downloadable "Airport Check-In Kiosk Software" Project Charter

NOTE: Click here to download the full version of the "Airport Check-In Kiosk Software" Project Charter in the MS Word format.


Project "Airport Check-In Kiosk Software"

Problem/Opportunity Statements

O:  Divert the customer traffic away from check in attendants, thus reducing the costs

O: Better quality of service - higher availability

O: Faster passenger processing



ABC Software Systems  shall study, configure and implement the Airport Check-In Kiosk software system for  XYZ Airlines by September of 2010. The project scope shall consist of the following features:


Table 1

Feature ID

Feature Description

F 1.0

Kiosk Menu

F 2.0

Traveler Identification

F 3.0

Traveler Reservation Search

F 4.0

Confirm or Change Seat

F 5.0

Pay for Luggage

F 6.0

Print Boarding Pass

F 7.0


NOTE: ABC Software is responsible for the delivery of the check-in software; actual kiosk hardware shall be procured, designed and delivered independently by XYZ Airlines and its vendors.


ROM Budget and Schedule

Budget - $100,000 +/- 50,000

Timeline - 6 +/- 2 months


News - Downloadable "Energy Efficient House" Requirements Specifications

NOTE: In order to save space I am posting only the “Product Features and Requirements” section of the document. Click here to download the full version of the “Energy Efficient House Requirements Specifications” in the MS Word format.


F 1.0 - West Coast Style

Table 7

Feature ID

Req ID

Requirement Description*


F 1.0

R 1.1

Post and beam construction

See note below

R 1.2

Exposed timber structural members

R 1.3

Extensive glazing and skylights

R 1.4

Open floor plans

R 1.5

Integration of interior and exterior spaces

R 1.6

Wood finishes on both interior and exterior (stained)

R 1.7

Flat or minimally canted roofs

R 1.8

Orientation to views or natural features

R 1.9

Integrated with natural setting, extensive use of native trees and landscaping

News - Downloadable "Energy Efficient House" Project Charter

Project "Rainforest"

Problem/Opportunity Statement

In order to capture a new and high growth energy efficiency market in the real estate sector ABC Construction shall design and build a new luxury energy efficient house.



ABC Construction shall design and build a 5-bedroom, 4-bathroom West Coast style energy efficient (ENERGY STAR certified) home by March of 2011 .The scope of the project shall consist of the following features (see Table 1):

Table 1

Feature ID

Feature Description

F 1.0

West Coast style

F 2.0

Five bedrooms

F 3.0

Four bathrooms

F 4.0

Square Footage - 3500-4500 sq feet

F 5.0

Two floors

F 6.0

Energy efficient


ROM Budget and Schedule

Budget - $1,400,000 +/- 150,000

Timeline - 9 months

Importance Factors

  • Scope and Quality - 70%,
  • Budget - 15%,
  • Time - 15%


Project Feasibility

This project is valuable for the ABC Construction from three perspectives:

News - Downloads Page with Templates and Sample Documents

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About the Author

Jamal Moustafaev, MBA, PMP – president and founder of Thinktank Consulting is an internationally acclaimed expert and speaker in the areas of project/portfolio management, scope definition, process improvement and corporate training. Jamal Moustafaev has done work for private-sector companies and government organizations in Canada, US, Asia, Europe and Middle East.  Read Jamal’s Blog @

Jamal is an author of two very popular books: Delivering Exceptional Project Results: A Practical Guide to Project Selection, Scoping, Estimation and Management and Project Scope Management: A Practical Guide to Requirements for Engineering, Product, Construction, IT and Enterprise Projects.